Logbook entry

2. Do I want this eagle?

27 Nov 2015CMDR De La Fère
I still can't believe I just bought this ship. Sure, the weapons are better, the shields are better, the maneuverability is awesome... But I was never one of the best pilots at the flight school, more like the worst. Well, it's too late now, unless I go back that tin can that they call a ship! Let's skip to the fighting!

I've been told that there are some easy credits to make in Resource Extraction Sites, if you can find them. Luckily there was one in the same system as I was, so that didn't take long!

I'm really not sure why they're called "easy" credits. I'm fighting for my life, and the reward is hardly anymore than when I was in the tin can hauling grain! Sure, the chance of actually dying is crazily small, but I still need to pay the insurance, and it's not free anymore! I guess I'll need to get some more money for insurance.


Well that didn't work out well. The run started out as usual, drop in to the RES, pick target, wait for security to start shooting, steal the kill.. The thing is, there was a bit too much security, like why do you need 5 Anacondas and a whole squadron of vipers to take out some petty criminals?

I had found an excellent target, viper with a 80,000 CR bounty, security started shooting right away, I thought I could join in... That's when it all went wrong.

As soon as I started shooting, one of those great big lumbering beasts crawled into my line of fire. "Warning: 600 Credit bounty gained, assault of Federal Security Ship" What? I only just clipped him with my tiny pulse laser, and I get a frickin' bounty? Haw is that fair?

Trust me, when you're in an eagle with four anacondas on your tail, you do not have much time to think. I figured I could withstand the fire for about 5 seconds. Which worked out well, because my FSD took 4 seconds. That was sure close!

The only problem now, is that I've got a bounty in this system, a system I had hoped to stay in for awhile. Luckily, I had some less scrupulous contacts back at port that would be willing to make a few credits in return for them "accidentally" reverting my legal status to clean.

So one problem leads to another, as now I need to sneak into the station. I can handle this, I've smuggled before. The difference being, I was smuggling myself in, not some load of narcotics. So the punishment if I was caught was immediate destruction instead of a paltry fine.

I made it in, but man, that was probably the scariest thing I've done! I'm back to being an innocent citizen now, but I'm starting to feel like my heart truly lies back home in the Empire. I tried plotting a route there with the Galmap, but apparently it was so far away my eagle couldn't get there. Funny, I don't remember it being to long on the shuttle coming here!
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