Logbook entry

3. A slaver returns (mostly)

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
Of course it turned out I had a class 2B FSD, not the 3B I thought I was getting. "B" as in "Beginner"! Not that it made much difference, the jump range was still pretty crappy and the Galmap still had no idea how to take me back home.

In other news, I have now gathered enough credits to get a formidable... Adder! She might not be much, but she should be able to take me back home. I'm hoping they have something better at home, because the view on this thing is worse than the hauler, if that's even possible!


Really? This is supposed to be an explorer's ship and she can't even take me back home? At least she can take me to the Empire, that's a small improvement!

I set off on my journey, and a few hours later I had arrived in LTT 9097, a place that had been recommended to me by a... You're expecting me to say good friend, aren't you? WRONG! It was a complete stranger that I had never met before. I'm really not sure why I trusted him.

Looks like I'm stuck in this rust bucket until I can afford a state of the art Cobra that was designed only 300 years ago! So, what missions do they have here that pay well? Hmm.. Interesting, these guys are willing to pay me 20k if I take their job. Sure sign it's not legal!

Indeed it wasn't. I had to source two slaves because they couldn't be bothered to get off their lazy backsides to do the work themselves. As long as they give me that juicy pay check!

So I've heard that some more morally scrupulous scrupulous Commanders don't like people who ferry slaves around, but the way l see it, I'm taking them from some anarchy hole where they're whipped hundreds of times a day to a nice sophisticated Empire system where they'll only be beaten fifty or sixty times a day. So yeah, you could call me a slaver.
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