Logbook entry

4. The truth (or part of it)

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
So those of you who are still picking this up might be wondering a few things, like why it's been so long since the last transmission and why I've switched to a private hyperspace signal. And I would answer that it's a very long story.

First, a bit of background. You've heard the earlier transmissions right? Well, those were all lies. Surprise!

Well, not quite lies, more like slightly changed truths. For example I forgot to mention that all that happened more than a year ago.

So what's happened to me since then? Well, I've tried my hand at a bit of everything, wandering around the Galaxy, slowly progressing through the ships. I got into the Empire’s good books, and they gave me a few nice and shiny ships like the Clipper and the Courier I've got now. Not too impressive, but still more formidable than they might seem.

I've had some interesting adventures, like most pilots out there, but if I told all of them to you it would get pretty boring. Besides, there are more urgent matters I need to talk about. Like why I've just spent two weeks between four boring white walls.

So I guess you know, if you're still listening, that I was trying to get back home when I was in my adder. I got there eventually, did some work for Patron’s, then went on my merry way. I've been back there a few times, but the last time it was different. Why, I hear you ask? (Well, I don't since this is a one direction connection, but I'll pretend that you want to know why, even if you don't.)

Well, I'll tell you why. There was this new corporation, Traxus industries they called themselves, that had taken control of the system. According to the locals, they had surged out of nowhere like a pack of ghosts and seized control of the system in a matter of days. There was some theory that they were backed by the Feds, not too crazy looking at how fast they took control, but not too believable either. Doesn't matter much, all I care about is that the Imperials weren't in control. And I didn't like it that way.

I contacted some of my more discreet friends at Newcomb (the main hub), and asked if they would be willing to help kick Traxus out. They put me in contact with a band of smugglers and pirates, going by the name of Kamito Raiders. I had heard some things about them, which made me hope that they would be ready to do what must be done.

Nice name, by the way. “Kamito Raiders”... It's got a nice ring to it. I've always had a knack for finding pirates with cool names. Like the Purple Mafia, back when I was in my adder (purple, incidentally). Not my fault they went out of business as soon as I joined. Now I just need to find the Ryders of the Apocalypse. Because seriously, who wants to work for the HIP 14507 Mob?

So back to the Kamito Raiders. I did some jobs for them, most strictly legal, a few… Not so much. It was one of those that got me into trouble.

One of their agents had been caught, and put in prison. Not a problem, except they didn't have enough guns to break them out. Who do they ask? Why, me of course. I didn't have too much problem finding the guns, it was when I got back too Newcomb that things started heating up.

You know it's not a good sign when the cops greet you with “criminal scum”. It's an even worse sign when they're on your pad. I had a choice to make. Dock, and get caught, or don't dock, and get destroyed. I docked.

-You are under…
-Yeah, I know, under arrest by order of the big Traxus boss.
-Please refrain from…
-Interrupting? Why, certainly!
He didn't look too happy about that.

They threw me straight into the brig, without even a trial. I don't think my snarky remarks helped. Ironic, being in jail because of a jailbreak.

I lost track of time in there, enclosed between four identical white walls. Nothing to do, except stare at the white ceiling, while imagining a mithical white door opening in the white wall, or at least a white window to look out of. Of course, that white ceiling might have been the white floor, since we were on a (probably white) outpost.


The nice thing about having pirate friends, is they do things for you most people wouldn't. Like break you out of jail.

They had obviously done this before, since their little operation only took a few minutes. I was soon back in my Courier, free once again.

So did that teach me a lesson about staying on the right side of the law? Eh, probably not.

(RPoff, for those who need it spelled out) And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you invent an excuse for not updating your log for weeks.
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