Logbook entry

7. Competition

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
Our little operation continued for a few days. The problem was, we weren't the only pirates around here.

“What do you mean, he controls most of the black market? I thought you said you were the pirates here!
-Well officially we are, but unofficially we’re not.
-How do you get official pirates? Do you need a frickin licence to be a pirate?
-It's… Complicated. He’s affiliated with Traxus, so they're guarding his back. We're not sure how influential he is within their ranks or even if their boss knows about him, but we do know for sure that the lesser Traxusians are lending him a lot of credits.
-So you're saying you can't even be a pirate without them interfering? What kind of guy is he, anyway?
-Well, if you really want to know, he murdered a couple hundred civilians a few days ago just to make a point.
-Which was?
-Umm… We're still not sure about that.
-Well why are you standing around? Get raiding, Bob!
-It ain't that simple, Nos…
-What do you mean? You're the frickin’ Kamito Raiders, aren't you? Impose yourself as the rightful pirates of the Kamito system! Destroy all of Vega’s transport ships,he can't have limitless funding! Besides, you'll make a profit, won't you? What have you got to lose? All that Slimweed is going to sell somewhere!
-I don't remember you being the boss, but I'll do it just this once.
-I suppose you want me to thank you for that, don't you.
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︎1 Shiny!
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