Logbook entry

8. Connections

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
“Surrender all your cargo or be destroyed!”
Blues flares shot out of the type 6’s engines. Why are they all this stupid?
“I warned you once, I won't do it again!
-You just did”
I opened fire.

5 seconds later…
“ Well, now that your drives are offline, I'd say it's time we had a little chat. First off, don't try to repair them. It will only get you killed faster. Then you can be a nice little boy and leave those narcotics for me.
-Your Courier can't even carry them all!
-No, but my friends can.”
Cue three lumbering Pythons.
Those haulers always drop their cargo a lot faster when they see the backup.

“Nice day, ain't it?” comments one of my wingmates.
“On which planet? I believe planet 2 is having a nice sunny day, planet 5 isn't looking that happy.” My ship interrupts me with a hyperspace call notification.
“Audio or visual, Ka?”(A shortened version of my ship’s name, Ka D’Argo)
“Visual, Commander.
-Got a source?
-Negative, Commander.
-How long will it take to find one?
-Zero point two five hours, Commander.
-Accept, the call, Ka.
-Yes, Commander.

A heavily decorated face appears on the screen, with 32nd century music and scantily clad ladies in the background.
“Well, fancy seeing you here, Commander Alean.
-Nice to see you too, Tail-on. I told you to call me Baron instead of torturing my name.
-Baron, is it now? Last time we met, you were a mere Serf.
-How else do you think I got this Clipper?
-Well, you could have easily stolen it, considering the company you keep these days. I would also like to remind you that you’re in a Courier, not a Clipper.
-Oh yeah. Right.” I think I remember why I hate this guy.
“So if you're contacting me, I suppose you've got a contract for me, haven't you?
-Well, it's more like a contact of mine contracted me to contact you to give you a contract.
-I suppose I don't get to know who that contact who contacted you to contact and contract me is?
-Probably not, although there's a chance she might contact you directly. Actually there's a pretty big chance.
-You heard me right.
-Black hair with purple streaks to go with purple sunglasses, a leather jacket, combat boots, always smoking and waving a gun around, went by the name of Kyndi last time I saw her?
-Umm… No, that would not be the one.
-Too bad. She always had interesting “shipping” jobs. So what am I doing today?
Do you like it?
︎1 Shiny!
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