Logbook entry

9. Tail-on(s)

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
Don’t you just hate it when somebody follows you?

I was on my way to Talon’s club when I noticed her. I couldn't see exactly what she looked like as she was wearing some heavy coat and she was doing an admirable job of blending in with the crowd, which is why I only noticed her then. Now, I'm not saying I was scared, but I had no desire whatsoever to end up back on that white outpost or… worse.

I took a little detour, hoping to shake her off. Sure enough, I didn't see her anymore after a few turns. I waited awhile, then went back to the Main Street. And who do you think was there walking behind me?

I will admit that I was starting to get slightly worried. I decided to take a more direct route that only a very select few know about. She was, of course, one of those select few. Luckily, one of my skills happens to be walking fast. Really, really, fast.

I didn't go directly to Talon’s “office” once I arrived at the club. I was in no hurry to meet him again, especially after what he did last time.

That's when I saw that girl again. She stopped outside the club, looked around as if she herself was being followed, then walked in without anyone noticing her.

I think I'm in trouble now.
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