Logbook entry

10. Job interview

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
What the heck do I do now? I suppose the best is to get a drink and hope that girl doesn't notice me. Now normally I would take an EPW (Eranin Pearl Whiskey, for the non initiated), but a more mild drink seemed more appropriate for the situation. By the time I had ordered, the girl had disappeared. Which could be good, but probably wasn't. As soon as I saw the two armed guards, I decided on the latter option.

“What have I done?” I protested as they dragged me up the stairs. They unsurprisingly didn't answer. I realized they were taking me to Talon’s “office”. Which meant I was in trouble. Big trouble.

“Alright, alright. Damn take your hands off me. Jeez, can't a man get a drink before a meeting!" I say as I shake the guards off.
“When I call a meeting Alean, I expect you to be on time." Oh, because he was always on time of course. And I really wish he would stop calling me that.
“This is the guy?” Asked a woman that I had assumed was just one of Talon’s companions, but that I recognized now, even if I hadn't noticed that bright pink hair.
“Y... You? Tailon... this isn't a setup is it?"
Well of course it is, what were you expecting? He already set you up once, He already did it once, why shouldn't he do it again? I thought to myself.
"You know her?" Talon asks. Maybe he didn't set me up then.
“Nostaw Alene, meet Momoka Azuka." Talon says. The girl, Momoka, bows. I don't. Interesting name, but it's the second part I'm interested in.
"Azuka... Azuka... Why do I know that name?"
“Ever heard of the Ten Swords?" Oh great, them. I'm pretty sure I am not in their good
books. Play this cool, Alene.
“Oh yeah, I thought you guys ran the Beta 1 cluster."
“We do. I'm not really here because of business though." That's a relief. Probably.
“Momoka here is after you're little rival, Damion Vega. You see, Vega may be involved in a deal that nearly got my girl killed." Talon explains. Oh great, not Vega.
“Talon says you're connected. I could use your help." The Azuka girl says.
“I know a few people, sure. What exactly do you need?"
“I need to find this guy. We tracked him to this system and found out this is his base. I tried to go it alone and... well, things didn't go as planned."
What a surprise. Did she really think that was going to work?
“Doesn't he stay on his fancy cruise ship?"
“Yeah. And that's the problem. I can't get to him because his ship could be anywhere."
"I happen to know Vega's got this whole sector locked down pretty tightly. Seemingly cause he has ties to the control group Traxus Industries. But... Vega's whole operation runs out of this system. Absolutely everything goes in and out of the black market here. You want him to show his ugly mug, you'll need to flush him out. Cut off his supply line and he'll be forced to dock so he can regain control of the system." I explain.
You can make that happen?"
She seems dubious.
“That's why this old fart called me here right?"
“Vega's a common enemy. The Kamito Raiders can't operate fluidly with his crew here, I can't ship my own product with his lock down of the black market, and the princess here's life is on the line. We all have something to gain here. So what do you say Alean, will the Raiders play ball?" Talon adds.
Well old man, you kinda hit me with a good one two punch." I reply.
“Which is?"
“One, I like money." I say then look at the Azuka girl. "And two, I can't say no to a pretty face. I'll get the crew to organize."

Easier said than done.
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︎2 Shiny!
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