Logbook entry

11. Literary references and other remarkable events

15 Dec 2015CMDR De La Fère
“Yarrr! Avast matey, this be Commander Nostaw of the Raider’s Revenge. Be dropping yer booty or I will keep haul ye and send your boat to Davey Jones’ locker!”
I groaned. Nobody understands references to great literary works while they were being mugged anymore.
“Drop the cargo or prepare to have creepy little drones do minor structural damage on your ship”
And… There I go again. I had interdicted a recalcitrant Type 6 hauling narcotics for Mr. Slimweed (yes I'll be calling him that from now on). I did not intend those narcotics to be delivered.

We had a fairly good setup, with the Azuka girl super cruising around looking around for targets and us Raiders lying in ambush between the star and Newcomb.

Talking about the Azuka Girl, I just received an emergency transmission from her.
“We got trouble! FdLs and Vultures! We’re really outnumbered here!”
“We’re on it.”
Once I get these narcotics, that is. She should be able to wait a few more seconds.
“Could really use a hand here, guys!”
Ah. Seems like it's time.
“Disengage SC, RR.”
Oh, yeah. That's a nice dogfight. I underestimated the Azuka Girl, if she's still alive in that puny Cobra.
“So this is where the party is. Here's my invitation!” I say.
“Took you long enough”
“What can I say? I like to make an entrance!”
And I don't like leaving high value cargo behind.

I targeted one of the Fer de Lances. Man, I want one of those. The problem is their owners rarely leave their ships unlocked. It's almost as if they didn't want it to be stolen.

The Azuka Girl interrupts my thoughts
“Anybody notice the Anaconda?”
Well of course I noticed it! But only a noob worries more about Annie than Ferdie.

Unless… Ah, Crap.
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︎1 Shiny!
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