CMDR Log Entry 0002
30 Nov 2015Joan Risu
I was reading through the briefing for new pilots in Aisling Duval space including recent news on pirate incursions. To think, a pirate group could become big enough to be considered a power on the galactic stage. I am not that much of a pilot yet but I hope I can achieve more in the days to come. I am preparing for a trip out near the edge of A.D. space, to a system near the binary star system I mentioned in my previous log entry. It will be a good chance to test out my flight log and perhaps log in more star charts.
I also seem to have attracted a wing commander who wanted to recruit me. They look to be an independent outfit who doesn't mind allegiances so long as no one is engaging in piracy like those barbarians out in Pegasi. I've agreed to join their ranks.
Final checks are being made, I'll make a supplemental to this log should something happen on my way to my destination. Wish me luck.