The Magellan Experience
30 Nov 2021Rogers of 1984
Just over a year since my last log. I have spent the last year in the bubble having bought my fleet carrier. The plan was to keep my fleet on it and do some deep space exploring but it turns out they are not really practical exploring ships. Most of the year stayed at home in Suteni making small amounts of money and helping out the Suteni Empire Party with a few ground based missions. Having tired of that I have the exploration itch again and have joined the Magellan Experience expedition. I missed the mass jump yesterday but have now caught up with the main fleet at the Seagull nebula. It's my first trip to the nebula as I've avoided it until now due to the difficult navigation involved in getting there. Took the lower galactic plain route to avoid the permit locked Col sector and arrived at Hell Port this evening. Hell Port is right next to a star and a burning planet so I went to cool down with a drink in the bar and to meet up with fellow explorers. Sadly no one was there, where is everyone I wonder? Decided to dock on The Extended Warranty carrier courtesy of Commander Chaoticly in the hope there will be more people there. We're due to jump tomorrow, let's see where we end up....