Logbook entry

Weird day.

After Meene, when ZHE was permanently shuttered, I really thought the company was going to hunt us all down. The 242 had kind of been operating on the fringe for years and more recently it seemed our methods were less aligned than ever with corporate rhetoric. At minimum, the best I could hope for, was that they were going to “disappear” me specifically. Destine me for some obscure GalNet article in the future. A blurb about the mystery surrounding the wreckage of my ship. Found gently floating towards ‘Sag A’, the tomb for my desiccated corpse, a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the back of the head.

Never happened though. I’ve been laying low, grinding out a little spending money here and there, for long enough that I had hoped they actually forgot about me. Earlier, a courier came and that hope was smothered in an instant. I opened the package, and inside, like some sort of gift, or precious heirloom, was a physical copy of the employee handbook -paper pages and everything. "A Sirius Guide to Employee Life", first edition.

I panicked. I checked all my zones, made sure this analog book wasn’t about to be sullied by my brain matter, and then I checked my accounts. I was ready to run. One transaction, to my account, a large sum, the memo, “Retirement benefits”.
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