Logbook entry

Back to work

For the past couple years I've been working just enough to make sure that I can fuel up and grab an adult beverage once in a while. Staying under the radar with my misplaced paranoia was akin to a beach vacation while a serial killer convention is in town. This past week has been a bit tough if I'm being honest. My ability for discipline has atrophied with all the time off and getting back to work for real has been kind of difficult.

I went out and did some mining on one of the contracts the 242 pulled in. A mission as big as ours means that even the boss needs to roll up their sleeves. Anyway, pulled in a quite a few tons of ore when a punk in a Sidewinder tried to rob me and I had to đi đi mau before losing my profits. I was able to complete the contract but that exchange left a bitter taste in my mouth. I was never a miner anyway. I had staffing procure some protection/enforcement contracts and I took the 'conda out to make sure the other miners got by.

I'm going to be honest, I did a job where I had to "be a pirate" to ensure deniability once, it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I haven't done anything like it since. I felt nothing but righteous pleasure knowing that the miscreants I vaporized were woefully unprepared to face me. I set myself up as a bait ship. Loaded my cargo rack with something that rang like a valuable mineral on a scan. Those pirates would make threats and I would power up eight of the meanest weapons I've ever owned. I can only imagine their screams as I cooked them alive in their cockpits before that detonation which turned them into void trash.

I don't take particular joy in killing another living creature but it took a whole week of that routine to get the ire I felt out of my system. Made a ton of credits for our venture. Now, after the combined efforts of the 242, we're pretty close to hitting our first milestone. Not going to lie. A bit nervous.
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︎2 Shiny!
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