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EXCERPT // Remote Log // 242 briefing rooom




[CALL SIGN: Sleaze] "...that's not even mentioning that these are ships which will be much better equipped than the would-be pirates we normally fight."

[CALL SIGN: Stoic] "Honestly, I'm surprised that you're fighting me on this. You're a goddamn Prince to them!"

[CALL SIGN: Husque] "I'm a Duke and I'm a Rear Admiral with the feds. The position that logistics uses when doing force estimations isn't germane to an argument. Frankly, he's right, but I agree with you Jim."

[Stoic] "Well, I know it doesn't matter, but, wait, you do?"

[Sleaze] "Alright, color me interested. You do?"

[Husque] "I don't really think that fighting to defend what I ardently believe is a terrorist faction is a good idea. But, in the list of options we have I think it's the better one. The feds really overstepped and we don't have an outlet for that in total. Considering just ourselves is a disservice to our people who just found out about Kandoor's death. Plus, there's a chance that winning against the feds will somehow hurt whoever it is that's gunning for us. Lastly, I think we'll have a more likely opportunity to find something useful, some data or clue, in the wreckage if no one bats an eye at us picking over it. Basically, the math for me puts this as a net positive. It's risky, sure, but it's correct. Not only for ourselves and our people but for The Company. They always want things a bit unstable."

[Stoic] "I can't pretend like I had considered all of that and I definitely can't say that I would've said it better. But that is the answer.

[Sleaze] "Ugh. Alright. I was really just leaning into the devil's advocacy role because really don't want to have to detail my ship again. Wait, should I even take out the corvette?"

[Stoic] "Yes. That's like, element of surprise 2.0."

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