Logbook entry

Three Times is Enemy Action

20 April 3309
"Commander. Geosynchronous orbit has been established in-system around the star as requested."

"Thank you Sabrina. Have the yeoman page me if something happens in the night."

"Aye aye, sir."

As the comm channel closed the music rose again in the space. Patient strings and melodic voice. The peace was quickly shattered by the door chime.

"Come in."

Serena was clearly half in the bag as she sloppily said, "Vibalvi? Sahm 27?"

Close enough. "What can I do for you this evening commander?"

"Didja puddin that request to The Company, and more impotently, did they approve it?" She sprayed slightly as she pointed her flask at me.

"Yes on both accounts. Per standing law we have been registered as capable for naming whatever we discover. At my discretion."

"Tania, she wants her and me to have a bet, first one, something something, getsa name the others. I'm not sure who that dusty cunt thinks she's goin on. Either way. You let me know." She pointed to her eyes and made a thumbs up with the flask hand. Turned on her heel and stumbled off back down the hall.

"Sure thing. Drink some water." I shouted after her. I would warn Tania off of whatever she was on about but, honestly, I think allowing everyone to cut loose tonight may even the odds a bit.

21 April 3309
I woke up today while everyone was still asleep or too hungover to care. I went to the command deck and roused the graveyard shift who seemed a bit surprised to see me. They were less chuffed when I gave them the prep order and my flight path. They got the Vagabond ready and I popped off before most had even stirred.

I got 20/35 jumps done before I tapped out for the day. Had a couple beers and read the news while my 20th century western America mix played. I love waking up to a dawn breaking on a gas giant.

22 April 3309
Well, the daybreak was a bit of a bust, something about the ice ring surrounding the planet made the crystals refract the light in a crazy bright way that woke me up in a panic. I thought the whole vessel was engulfed in some sort of weapon beam.

Okay. Well. Shit got real. Gonna send some tight-band back to the Tenet. Ugh. 31/35 jumps and it ends not with glory but some goddamn paperwork.

23 April 3309
What a day. I set up the GSR, divided it into SAs, and started the work roster. It takes us a bit off course but we have the Z.H.E. Enochian Lament back providing an anchor on the original route. If this yields anything. We'll reach out to some other entities and try to drum up some help. Goddamn bugs.

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