Logbook entry

Twice was not coincidence.

03 May 3309

The SRV had just skid to a stop in the snow. There was another goddamn Thargoid sensor. 6th of the day and starting to point to a trend as I'd finally started closing out SA-1.

I'd begun getting slightly annoyed at my earlier hope that the first cluster was quite simply an errant pile when my comm chirped. I was getting a call from Esha.

"Good afternoon commander. The data package I sent finally got back to the core systems and the Pilots' Federation has seen fit to promote you within the field of exobiology. Congratulations on your new rank of Elite", she paused.

I replied, "Thank you Dr. Lowe. Do you have anything else for me?"

With a slight start she quickly said, "Oh, no, nothing sir. I was just forwarding the message to you. Will you be returning today?"

I groaned slightly as I responded, "I've found plenty more closer to the XY plane erring toward a X to -X general direction if the trend holds. It might not just be a fluke."

She disconnected awkwardly as she does when talked to frankly. I actually find it a little endearing but I'm sure she's wised up that it's a tease which stops calls. It's pretty common knowledge that I don't like calls. Just then my comm pinged.

Once I finish SA-1 I'll send a report back to the company. We may need more help out here.
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