Logbook entry

SCV Dawn's Horizon, expeditionary log 3304 December 06

06 Dec 201829erSavoy
Ship's log, Dawn's Horizon, December 6th 3304. So far the days are spent busy with scanning and cataloging new systems and surface landings for samples. The grind is tedious but rewarding. However, I must admit, that with all the stars, moons, planets and such for there to be soo much interesting discoveries out here, it's eerily quiet. No more pronounced is this realization then when I retire to the makeshift quarters. The only sound to break the silence is the soft hum of the ship. To occupy my off time I have decided to review some old Galnet videos I have saved to break up the monotony of things . I still have a long way to go on this expedition, but I merrily forge onward. Tomorrow will be another day of discoveries, and who knows. There might be a yet uncharted system out there that posses a planetary body similar to our Earth back in Sol. We shall see. Till then, it is time for me to sign off. End Log.
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