Scylla Expeditions Founded & an Explorer goes to War
29 Dec 2018Sirboulevard
Commander's Log: 29 December, 3304Well, its official. I incorporated as Scylla Expeditions, an exploratory and mining corporation based out of Edison Gate in Scylla. 2 Billion people and this system goes under the radar. Even the Thargoids don't seem to notice we're here. While I really don't want the Thargs to attack my home, I will admit, living in the Eurybia Sector has all kinds of issues. We're forgotten out here. The Eurybia System is of note thanks to Liz Ryder and the Blue Mafia; and Beta Caeli and Omicron Columbae are major ports in the area under the Empire. Plus the bounty hunters out at Bok, and the Booty Bay Butcher's presence in the region has left Scylla in the dark. I suppose it comes with all the inhabited worlds being 230,000 LS out from Scylla A. But still, this is home. It paid for my first several ships with the money I made delivering communiques from the Empire into the system. Edison, and by extension all of Scylla, is home. And I want it to be remembered.
Still, despite starting an exploration group I find myself in the garbage position of not being able to leave for an expedition OR go mining. The Eurybia Blue Mafia is mustering its strength against the Progressive Party of Scylla. I have no love for the Federation and its corporatocracy ways. but the PPoS has always treated me well, and the system has thrived under their rule. We're high security system surrounded by pirates. We've been relatively safe. I won't let the Eurybia Blue take Scylla. This is home and I want it safe.
So, I guess its off to war. I may be a man of peace, but I won't let home be lost to thugs.[/i]