Logbook entry

Bringing back better: the return of Guardian heat

19 Jun 2024Longman.P.J
For a while now, since Salvation launched the Proteus Wave, we have had a hand tied behind our backs because Guardian Tech rapidly degrades in Titan systems and when hunting Orthrus interceptors.
Finally Ram Tah has been able to provide a solution to enable Guardian weapons to be immune from degradation but it comes at a price....
The damage output and DPS is reduced and the materials required are not easy to obtain.

Hardened Surface Fragments
These can be found on the surface of Titans but you need to be close, and cold, and armoured. Ideally the best time to collect these is when the Titan's hearts have all been destroyed. There is a 24-hour window after the last heart is destroyed but before the Titan explodes where the hazards are much less and the access through the Maelstrom is no longer hindered by pulse waves. These can be knocked off using a standard mining abrasion blaster to maximise the mats or just a LR/TV beam laser. Don't forget your limpets!

Tactical Core Chips
These are dropped when Revenants are destroyed. However, where there are Revenants there are Banshees. These are tough mothers! Missiles are your friend here. Lots of missiles, all the missiles but make sure they are AX. Take out the Banshees first then the Revenants, but don't forget your limpets!

Caustic Crystals
These can be found within Maelstroms but are quite rare. Long-range A-Grade scanners are your friend to help find these but it's also wise to keep cool and watch your back because Caustic Generators can and do get too close and self-destruct. Don't forget your limpets!

All 3 can be collected using a Krait MkII with just a little tinkering in between such as weapons and utilities but the rest of the setup should be ok. Just try to get the ship to run at max un-boosted at <20% heat, include Long-range A-Grade scanners, HD HRPs, Heat Sinks, Caustic Sinks, a Class B collector for maximum range, a cargo rack and don't forget your limpets!
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