Cmdr Helshad
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Elite I
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Gilgamesh Corps

Logbook entry

28 Mar 2021Helshad
"The dripping sound is driving me nuts! When will they fix that damn leak in the airduct?" Helshad was trying to sleeping in his ship again, parked in a small outpost called Borne station. It is a small shitty place but it is theirs now. They had fought for it and beaten the former owners. "Partnership of Zochna were weak already when our corporation layed eyes on them. Still, it took us four days to beat them into submission. Yea, sure Moke called it a transaction of power. What he really meant was that we beat the shit out of them and stomped on their corpses." The dripping continued in the background making it impossible to sleep. "Fuck it." He got up from the bed and flipped a switch watching it slide into the wall again. Then he made his way into the cockpit only to find it empty. "Right. Damn." He mumbled to himself. "Forgot I didnt bring her on this trip." Melissa was on the carrier DMC Helgedad doing maintenance on the Corvette and the fighters in the bay of that ship. Right now though he wished he hadnt left her there. They didnt have a relation to speak of other than their contract and kept it quite professional. Though the late night discussions with her about politics, tacktics and the events they been through together was often a welcome distraction as it would have been now. He sighed.

"I wished we knew who the bastards are that were interfering with us in LTT 2963." He spoke though no one was listening. "We found the traces of our peoples ships blown up all over the system. They really harrassed us and even managed to scare the security forces. If I could get my hands on those pricks." He grumbled and clenched his fist in an angry motion. "Seems though they finally ran off when we started to put pressure on the pirates in the system. Havnt seen anything for days now. Our people are soaring again. How fast people forget..." He took a seat in the main chair and flipped a few switches and suddenly the Python came to life. The engine humming to life and small soft vibrations could be felt through his feets. "Right. Cant sleep so better go back and prepare for the next rounds of bounties." Helshad had shifted his focus of late. The dreadful hauling missions had finally started to fade from his daily annoyances. Killing pirates though made him feel good. "Just wished Moke and the others in the leadership wouldnt ask us to kill innocent people." He grumbled some again. He really hated that part of the job. Luckily there were other ways of doing it.

He sent the command to the bridge and the overhead baydoor started to slide away. Then he waited and watched as the Python was lifted up top preparing for launch. He really liked the Python. It was a nimble and versitile ship though a bit flimsy. He had once outfitted it to be a pure fighter but found that the firepower was to low compared to his Corvette and finally given up on using it for that role and now he was hauling two hundred and eighty tons of Tritium back to DMC Helgedad. Only a week ago it had hauled hundreds of refugees. "Damn, that station really gave me the shivers. One unlucky explosion and we would be smeared out all over that place." The terror attacks on the stations, the nine martyr attack, had been brutally effective. Going in there had been precarious at best. "Glad I could be of help though." He mumbled while the Python left the landing pad and started to speed away towards the jump point. "I wonder how many died there. Fuck. way to many. I hope they find them and that we get a chance to fuck em right back. I´ll sure as hell will sign up for it." He grinned a bit and then pressed the button to activate the super cruise. While the computer counted down he looked out at the empty void before him. "Ya can run but you cant hide forever." With a building crecendo of sounds the Python lept into super cruise and set of towards DMC Helgedad.
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