Logbook entry


12 Dec 2015Tobias Simril
Not really a update on the situation in Bhado, just figured i write about this to help sort out my thoughts. But the Nightmares of my past have returned to haunt me, it tricked me into getting comfortable, started off as a lovely dream....A dream of my home Segontiaci..

Segontiaci was to be a place for the Empire's Elite, Artists, philosophers, musicians and people of great honor and wealth...My father was a well decorated Admiral of the Empire and thanks to his service in the Imperial navy we were granted residence on Segontiaci 1. I was about 6 when we moved there, i had just my Mother most of the time as my Father would be sent off to fight on some front, rarely ever home with us. the times he was home were some of my fondest memories.

In the dream i remembered the times me and my Father would tell me stories of his battles before i went to bed, how he would take me on a tour of his ship, the hours we spent just talking about TV shows..Then i remembered when i was 11 and i was told by a Commander that worked with my father that my Father died fighting for the Empire. I tried not to cry that day, He always told me not to cry if he perishes as we all have to go someday, and he would die doing what he loved, fighting for the Empire.

I respected my Father, he was a hero to me, i looked up to him and wanted to be like him, a hero for the Empire..So when i was 19 i enlisted into the Imperial Navy. I remember how proud my mother was of me, to follow in my Father's footsteps and maybe one day become a Admiral just like him. I obeyed every order given to me and gave nothing but loyalty to my home.."Tobias!" My Commanding office Kige said when he needed someone to get the job done.."Tobias!" My Comrades cheered when i entered the pub.."Tobias!" The Truth said when calling for my attention .."Tobias!" my mother cried out with a knife pressed against her neck from my Commanding office when i dared question what i have been told all my life was the truth..

The truth was...Disturbing..Segontiaci belonged to a independent colony that joined the Empire with the promise that Segontiaci would be built into a wonderland for them should they be allowed access to the resources in the system...Segontiaci was turned into a wonderland..for them to work in, not live..Millions of "imperial citizens" worked in the shadows, out of sight and out of mind, living in filth and pushed around..we tricked them just so we didn't have to waste time wiping them out...People suffering on their own world while outsiders such as myself live in luxury above them, high in the clouds and feasting myself while they scavenge for food...When i learned of this, i did not believe it at first...But my Commanding office did not care if i believed it, just that i heard about it...I got a message one day from him saying that there was a urgent issue at home and that i should return to check it out...So i did that, i worried about what could be wrong...I did not expect what happened. Several Soldiers ambushed me and held me at gunpoint..And out from the Shadows comes Kige with my Mother in his grip...

My Mother died that day...Killed by the Empire, Killed by the people my Father dedicated his life to..all becasue i dared question reality, Kige said this was what happens when you go to deep down the rabbit hole. i asked him to kill me also, but he refused..Said i sitll had to serve the Empire to make up for this "Mistake" i made..but i could not, i could not serve the Empire anymore after witnessing that and learning the truth of my Home..how all my joy was manufactured by the misery of others..He let me live expecting i would just be "fine" with that..No, i went AWOL that day, i left behind the Ship the Navy gave me as i did not want them to track me, used my credits to buy a Sidewinder to quickly travel far from empire borders

I don't know if my Father would agree with what im doing now....Would he continue to serve the Empire after witnessing that? or would he accept that as a punishment and remain docile..Would my Mother want me to seek revenge for her? Was she furious at me? I will never know the answer to either of those...I ran from home, i would stay and fight along side resistance groups..but i don't have the courage to fight my former comrades, I'm not strong enough...

I'm Sorry Mom, I'm sorry Dad...
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︎3 Shiny!
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