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Bhado Goverment wages war on the Brotherhood

14 Dec 2015Tobias Simril
Update is a tad late, but two days ago hidden Brotherhood military bases were uncovered and all simultaneously assaulted by the equality parties' legion of mercenaries. The Brotherhood leadership was considering retreating to "Krisha" to lay low and recuperate..Leader of Anasi Syndicate "Nyninch Anaconda" pleaded to the Brotherhood's leadership to continue fighting and not retreat.

The Leadership was somehow convinced to stay, but so far we are on the defensive waiting for the perfect moment to strike, we don't have the forces for a full out assault so we have to wait for the opportunity for a critical strategic attack to deal serious damage to the Bhado Government...So far we are holding out well on defensive, but the bastards keep coming and we have no idea if we will hold out long enough for that chance to appear.

And whats more suspicious is that there are rumors suggesting that Simon wanted us to attack the League all along..to have us worn out, then come in for the kill. Regardless we are putting up a fight, and we are ready for that chance to turn this all around...I just hope Commander Nynich knows whats he is doing...We are gambling everything here...The Brotherhood's original plan was the safest thing to do..but would take ages to regain strength ..
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