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Chairman of the League of Bhado "Fadei Iakov" announces the birth of his daughter

15 Dec 2015Tobias Simril
The war is going quite well between the Brotherhood and the government...And the League is just sitting back and eating popcorn watching us kill each other...Must be quite a show for them...Anyway, speaking of the League. Chairman "Fadei Iakov" Announces to the system that he is now the father of a lovely new baby girl that he has named "Vera Iakov". Currently the population loyal to the League is having a all out party to celebrate the birth of Vera..Strange thing is they never even announced that his wife was pregnant to begin with

As to why they care so much...Vera being born insures that there will be a heir to take the role as Chairman once her Mother and Father pass away. Can't help but feel sorry that her Father is a dictator that is basically the reason why this system is in the current state that it is, hopefully she will learn from her Father's mistakes and actually become a benevolent ruler that does not rule with a iron fist.

As for the effect this has on the rest of Bhado? None really...Except the Brotherhood has a target of interest should they ever have to get the League off their back...It would be a scum bag move but as long as they don't actually harm the girl i guess i could go with it as long as its a last resort.

But for now, Happy birthday to you Vera!
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