Logbook entry

Bhado's Goverment is on its last legs!

19 Dec 2015Tobias Simril
The End is near for the Bhado Government, soon the Brotherhood will take over and their plans will be seen though...The Government has discontinued its conflicts over planets and have all of them on defense duty protecting Rasmussen. The League is also putting all of its forces around the Napier outpost in fear the Brotherhood will take a shot at them now.

With all their Naval forces defending the station, we are able to take over any and all facilities planetside and can take over any and all trade lanes in the system, we own majority of the Government's infrastructure, they are only defending their last worthwhile assets, the Station. If we take the station then it will be game over for th eBhado goverment, their last stronghold will be ours and they will lose complete control over the system...speaking of which.

Riots have irrupted in and out of the Station, the people have had enough with having Governments and agree with the Brotherhood's anarchist ways...Can't agree with anarchy still but i admire the will of theses people..after being pushed around by 2 governments i guess i can't blame them for no control at all..With this support comes a influx of recruits eager to contribute to the brotherhood's plans. Also back to the riots, a state of Civil unrest is about, so the Government is being chewed on from the inside now, just the other day another mining rig was blown up by civilians as a act of protest..Its only a matter of time.

And lets not forget about the local Corporation that has been in the background all this time.the "Bhado Purple advanced group" (still a silly name) has reached a all time low in profits with neither the League or the Equality party having any money left to purchase from them, or do they have any materials to sell as we either destroyed or took over all their mining operations.

Obviously it is a AMAZING time for the Brotherhood, Money, Recruits, influence and soon, a Station...All thanks to the efforts of the Anasi Syndicate ...I sorta over exaggerate i do think the Brotherhood did a lot of this on their own, but the Syndicate sure has assisted  heavily in their campaign.

For now i gotta get back to seeing what there is to do now...Signing off for now.
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