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Back in action.

08 Apr 2016Tobias Simril
Been awhile since i last used this thing..But its damn fine to be back. Bhado is officially under a tigh-..Well.."loose" grip by the Bhado brotherhood. It has been like this for several months, the war is over, Anasi Syndicate has successfully achieved their goals in the area. After the war i decided to lay low for a bit, i had enough of the bloodshed after that brutal chapter in Bhado's history...A small criminal outfit became the new reign of the system..And i personally say we made a bad mistake.

Things have gotten FAR out of control , Space is littered with wrecks of honest seafarers as pirate outfits run rampant. The Rassmussen station is without proper security and is almost a madhouse, only the gangs offer any kind of security...for their people only. The brotherhood is now simply the "Big Dog" gang around here..Some smaller outfits believe that is the Brotherhood could rise to the top like that, they could as well.

The League is now just a small patriotic enclave that has greatly improved their code of ethic, far more gentle with those that live with in what little territory they have, they insist on people coming to join them to escape the hell that infests outside of their borders. I haven't heard much in the way of "dictatorship" happening down there, a few strict rules of course but there are no longer live executions or public floggings over the simplest things.

The old Revolutionary party has turned into a democratic gang of pirates...The former president was assassinated by his vice president and assumed control of the group...looking towards a more militaristic path for the group. Hes a republican at heart, and sees that mad violence is the best way to clear the space and will happily "liberate" some goods from "Pirate traders" that lurk the area as a "tax" to support their "goverment".

The Local corporation? ...Small time now, a small family business aboard the Rasmussen is getting more business than them now.

Shits out of control...The rest of the Anasi Syndicate has gone dark and i can't do anything about the current situation. i stayed here long enough, its time i moved on and found a new place to call home..Until then, this ha been Tobias Simril...I'll report back when i settle.
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