Logbook entry

The system of Thrite

08 Apr 2016Tobias Simril
I think i found a new place to set up shop...Place is called Thrite and is home to many planets, Stations and outposts...Everything i could want is here pretty much...I did some digging about the local groups and found complied a small sheet telling about them.

"Defense party of Thrite"

CAPITAL CITY - Ellison Prospect

- Wagner Station

- Moria Wagner

- Dictatorship

The Defense party of Thrite is much like the League mixed with the revolutionary group back in Bhado. I say this because its just as militaristic and strict as the League but their goals are in line with the revolutionary group. Their Leader Moria Wagner is a native to the system and is working towards fighting off the Empire's influence and prevent them from taking complete control of the system. They are aggressive and not afraid to fight for the home, but also won't shy away from taking in immigrants looking to escape Empire space...after being screened of course.

The reason its a dictatorship is due to no one able to do what Moria can do, the people love her so much that they look towards her for wisdom, not questioning her rule out of fear but out of being clueless. She has done so much to fight off the gaint that is the Empire from taking over her system that nobody wants to take chances with another leader and Moria is willing to take this job to her grave for the glory of Thrite.

"The Five families" ((Thrite Empire assembly in game))

CAPITAL CITY - Cassini Installation


LEADER(s) - Huan Yaken - Kitchra Maxim - Vigro Irow - Asuro Omid - Walon litchro

Before the Defense party emerged it was the Five noble families of Thrite that had complete control of the system. This group is a alliance of the five families and acts as the Empire's representative in the system. The five families use to war over the system constantly for awhile but came under a alliance when they figured it be best for their system. They separated the many Outposts, Stations and planets among the five leaders of the families and lived happily for awhile..even was offered Imperial status in the empire for running such amazing colonies. This all changed after they accepted and the Defence party rised up to fight off the empire..seeing that Thrite should stand alone and not be under the rule of some larger entity that does not understand their culture, that the five families have sold them all out.

QUick run down of the families

Yaken - Another militaristic group that grew in power though raw strength and discipline. They value honor above all else and is considered the Enforcer of the five.

Maxim -A construction family that has helped greatly in improving life in Thrite for its people by developing advanced tech to help construct massive underground cities on their harsh planets...Every building and station in the system most likely was built by this family.

- Trade family that was considered one of the most dangerous families during their war given its skill of controlling the economy of the system, they had no need for a army when they could destroy your economy in a second..Their tactics however are not that useful outside of Thrite.

- The most spiritual of the five is the Omid who have far sears that claim they can see the future. Their beliefs are based around some bsaic "haven" concept but have some really interesting rituals .The other four look towards this family for some guidance in their struggle. A city on Thrite A 6 called "Gibson's vision" is a reference to one of theses visions a sear named "Gibson Omid" had in which they would construct a place of complete worship to their god "Veran". Another reference is "Sohl's Vision" To which someone had the plan for them to make a place of worship in space closer to the heavens.

Litchro - The industry familiy of the Five, they have huge mining rigs on their planets and belts, mining away at the richest ores in the systems. Its said that every child of the family is required to consume a small bit of ore..to give them the taste of what they desire..to make them crave it and aim towards getting more..Its weird but its their culture i guess.

"Platinum Sentinels" ((Thrite Purple legal solutions in game))

CAPITAL CITY - Pordenone's Progress


LEADER - "Vic Rile"

- Mercenary corporation

During the war of the five families a lot of soldiers of each family's army went AWOL and striked off on their own and formed a mercenary organization named "Platinum Sentinels". I'm unaware the origin of the name but what i do know is that the corporation is a serious threat to both the Defense Party and the Five families as they don't care who they work for, their Capital station and city is just spoils of their many victories over each party. This is what keeps them in Thrite, along with their knowledge of the system, they are legends at launching ambushes, every pilot is required to know the system like the back of their hand and some say they don't need the Ship's computer to tell them how far away their target is.

Vic Rile is a father to his soldiers, giving them a purpose other than his or some lord..he treats his troops with respect and gives them a good dose of tough love to keep them from getting to soft from him. Chain of command is real simple with it being "Grunts - Commanders - Vic". Just those three ranks is what makes up the chain of command that is Platinum Sentinels.

"Thrite Advanced commodities"



LEADER - "Renai Alrua"

GOVERNMENT - Corporation

The AC corporation is a Retail/Research organization that tries to out do itself everytime it makes something. Taking pride in making their trademark juice "FruitGush" 0.1% more juice, progress is progress and if they can make the product better they will make more happy customers. Thats right, this corporation actually does care about their customers, from what i gathered the CEO is a kind woman who is liked by all leaders of Thrite. She is known to have given money to every charity (that has been screened of course) that has popped up in Thrite.

The corporation is very harmless, only ever committing acts of violence in self defense to defend their wares..Due to this the group only has little influence in the power struggle..what influence it does have is of its customers.

"Thrite Mafia"



LEADER - ????


Not much is known about this group..shroud in mystery and i guess thats how they like it. What i do know is that they are responsible for almost all the crime in the system. Priacy, Smuggling, Slave trade, Kidnappings and so on...If a crime is committed, most likely by a member of the Mafia. Members of the organization are all under a vow of silence..everyone caught refuse to talk and would sooner kill themselves than rat...Seems the punishment for being a snitch is severe. Something they found from every member they found has already been in jail...Its assumed that they were not affiliated with the group during their first visit but got into the Mafia after getting out.
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