Logbook entry

Thrite patriots fight off Imperial influence.

13 Apr 2016Tobias Simril
For several months now, the system of Thrite has been under a state of civil war between the "Five Noble Families of Thrite" and the patriotic insurgence group known as the "Defense Party of Thrite". This civil war began after the Five families accepted a offer to join the Empire under Zemina Torval's influence, however one brave woman by the name of Moria Wagner disputed the action in a public declaration of defiance:

"This is treason, to sell out our independence to the Empire. I call on all like-minded patriots to do what they can to defy Imperial influence. We will defend Thrite against the Imperial invasion of our independent culture."

On this day the Defense party has delivered a crushing blow as they successfully launch a attack on the Amundsen Station during a meeting of the heads of the Five Families. None of them were hurt and all managed to escape, but the station is now under the Defense Party's control.

The Families now reside in the nearby system Hsuanqueno and await for Imperial assistance to help defuse the situation. Matriarch of the Maxim family, Kitchra Maxim had this to say about the situation:

"We accepted the Empire's offer for the good of Thrite and these terrorists look to only destroy the home we attempt to preserve."

CMDR Tobias Simril

Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press
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