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[News] Thrite space in a state of chaos!

18 Apr 2016Tobias Simril
system of Thrite is experiencing a all out war in space between its native factions. With the mercenary corporation "Legal Solutions" hunting down the remaining assets belonging to the "Noble families" in Thrite.

"Legal Solutions" gets it name for having soldiers who follow a strict morale code and act accordingly with system laws but are still the solution to any of your problems. This group established itself as the dominate mercenary group in the system and has been confirmed by Moria Wagner herself that the group has been hired as a tactical strategy to continue applying pressure. this allows her troops time to rest and establish fortifications after the attack of Amundsen Station.

Meanwhile the Noble navy is being call back to defend the capital city "Cassini" from a possible assault by the Defense party. With all sips defending their few remaining bases and the Capital, majority of space is now unguarded and becomes a opportunity for the Thrite Mafia to go on a vicious crime spree. The Mafia has been launching ambushes on numerous convoys belonging to the "Advanced commodities" Corporation, who handle majority of the Export and imports for the system of Thrite. With the Noble navy unable to defend them they are taking heavy losses in both profit and personal. Moria Wagner of the Defense party has dispatched a small portion of the Defense party's navy to assist the Corporation in defending their assets from this unlawful threat. Only time will tell if the Defense party will stay true to their name and deliver the safety and security they promised the people of Thrite.
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