Logbook entry

Am i going mad?

21 Apr 2016Tobias Simril
I don't know the reason...Maybe i got tired of the Destruction, the bloodshed and politics. But i felt like i needed to escape, that i lived around all this madness for too long and i needed to run far from it to clear my head. I was tempted by a cheap Diamondback Explorer i found in the system of Ocura, it called out to me to buy. With it i could had run great distances...But i wanted to run faster and spent all my credits on the largest FSD drive i could.

Then i ran far from it, not looking back at civilization, running until i cleared my mind in the void of space. Away from the noise, the destruction, the politics i was allowed a moment of peace to think about everything...Segontiaci, Zandu, Bhado and Thrite...All of it was filled with the same shit.

Eventually i found my answer when i came across a undiscovered star. The system of "Swoliz YL-H B2-3" had two stars..one was already discovered by a commander that goes by the call sign "Monkey Business" but i noticed there was another star in the system..undiscovered..was a bit baffled by this, it was only 155k Ls away from the warp in star, i have seen discovered planets MILLIONS of Ls away from the star..Was this one meant for me?

To me it was the most beautiful star in existence...one that has never been seen by any anyone else according to the records. Its like it waited for me to come here...Almost as if it hid from the rest of the explorers so only i would find it.

I admired it, i came out here to escape but ended up finding this gem in space. As i gazed into it i felt all my burdens lifted off my shoulders. the noises, the anxiety and the rage all vanished and i was granted a moment of tranquility before i heard a voice crawl into my head. Hearing it putted me in a state of distress, i checked if my comms were open or if i had the radio on...something but i found no source of the voice. I'm not sure what it said...but i felt a dreaded sense of fear suddenly. I looked up at the star once more and i heard the voice once more, not sure what it was saying...Was i going mad? Does this star even exist? Where am i? Why am i in this small cockpit?

I needed to return home, i needed to run from this star now..was i imagining it? I had to turn in the data to see if what i saw was real and not some hallucination of my madness. I returned to Thrite as quickly as i could, back to somewhere i was familiar with and turned in the data. I felt a chill go up my spine after i saw the result

It was real...I didn't hear the voice anymore but one word kept appearing in my thoughts for awhile.

"Xael" Its sounds like a name, but i never heard of it until now....Is its name Xael? No, just my imagination...
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︎2 Shiny!
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