Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33040405

05 Apr 2018Krittercon
After so much time spent, we've finally got the organization done for our wing.

Things has been... Interesting, to put it lightly. It's nice having the various commanders from back then all together again, even though we're usually off doing things on our own most of the time. Can't blame them though, hundreds of years of cryosleep will get anyone's interests perked with everything they missed. The wing has grown a bit with various pilots joining us, all of them outcasts in some form or another. We're outcasts ourselves though, given we're literally out of our time. Our newest member even have some legends about himself, appearantly killing pirates by flying into them with a Type-7, although details are sketchy and unreliable.

Commander Dariru is still out on his expedition to Beagle Point, still going on about how he's going to "save Compa" or something. Appearantly someone he likes is being held there somehow. It's gonna be maybe another week before he can get back. His distance from everyone else by this point doesn't stop him from requesting limpet deliveries though.

Commanders Christoph and Suts is are enganged with the virtual simulation services in the station, living in a simulated world of the past. They must really miss the old days for staying in that machine for weeks. The service managers says they're fine though, and given what they had to go through, I'll let them have their "vacation"... Together...

Commander Pixel... Got arrested... Well, life of a pirate I guess. One wonders why she would be in the wing in the first place, considering we're mostly anti-piracy ourselves; but hey, sometimes when you need to make money, you need to get your hands dirty. Plus, if she's out there destroying her competition, that's less threats to us out there as well. This was quite important during our early days, since we were barely armed. While times have changed, and we are more than capable of defending ourselves, we still owe him quite a bit. Perhaps I should look into helping her with some funding to cover her legal expenses. If only her credit accounts weren't so heavily guarded due to what she does... Might need to buy some gold to pay her with.

The rest of us have been going about doing our own stuffs, although I will probably be recalling most of them to start off Operation Harvest. Damona's stations are a pain to get to, but that system has been responsible for us to be able to afford all of our assets, it'll be dishonarable for us to let them go hungry. Most of us here have hauling ships anyway, and I'll be getting my ship refitted for hauling as well.

Wing Commander Krittercon
Tengu Expeditionary Force
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