Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33040412

12 Apr 2018Krittercon
The past week has been rather productive for the wing. Operation Harvest was deemed a success as the Damona system has recovered from their state of famine and seems to be operating normally. The outbreak at Yaque did catch us by surprise, but Operation Medical Attention has gotten that under control as well. There's still some minor cases at Yaque, but the medical emergency has been called off. Good job for the team though, and it's nice to see the Empire recognizing our commanders for their effort. It's kind of funny actually, seeing ourselves transform in a humanitarian organization of sorts.

We have received some new members to the team, although 'new' is subjective there.

It was nice to run into Aion again, it's been a while. He was awoken from his cryosleep much earlier than us it seems. I've placed upon him the position of Deputy Wing Commander; his earlier awakening means he has much more experience in this new age than the rest of us old dinosaurs do, plus it should ease him up from having to break apart his own wing to joins ours. Aion also seems to have managed to found Vivian along the way, although it looks like she can't remember much of the past at all. We ain't gonna question it and just role with it; her personality looks too volatile to delve into further.

Commanders Nuclearblt and S-121 are our newest non-dinosaurs. A run away slave and a follower from Aion's old wing. S-121 is a little enigmatic for now, I'll try to get some more information from Aion on him later. Nuclearblt is... an interesting one. Maybe I'm using interesting too much, considering most of our wing is off in all sorts of different ways. We've had claims of reincarnated fantasy wizards, dimensional travellers, space princess chasers, psycho murderers... You name it, I could probably find someone amongst our crew to fit into that description.

Commander Dariru has returned from his expedition to Beagle Point, although I honestly think he may have left a good amount of his sanity behind. 'Bounty Hunting Therapy', as he calls it, seems to be working well and he is stabilizing a bit, although the fact that we had to pry him out of the pilots chair on his Corvette might be worrying.

Old Admiral Lazarus... might be suffering from old age or something; I've never heard of someone accidentally signing over their entire ship while shipping medicine to systems in outbreak before. He's blaming his lack of control over his cybernetic parts for it. Thankfully he has enough in his bank to buy a new one and continue his mission... Maybe he should take a vacation... Probably not to Beagle Point.

Staying on the topic of Beagle Point, Commander Suts has announced his intentions to go there. Something about wanting to become amongst the elites of the Pilots Federations and putting his name on stars. Honestly, it's something I do plan to do in the future as well, although I may take it further and go all the way out there in the Dollmaker instead of Maika, if I'm out on long term exploration I might as well do it in the comfort of the Imperial Clipper. Lets just hope Suts doesn't leave parts of his sanity behind like Dariru did, but I guess it's better than losing it over mining materials for the engineers he's been coming into contacts with.

As for me, I've came into contact with an engineer willing to work on some upgrades on ship armor. The cost of her services has been... painful. 10 tonnes of Painite has been quite an adventure to acquire, and never have I thought the Dollmaker would be a good ship to do it in. I don't regret acquiring her, although I do miss her earlier sister ship, Alice's Dream, that was lost in a skirmish. The lightening of the armor seems to have gone well; lab tests estimates that damage resistance has been improved for some slight reduction in overall intregrity. I just hope I don't have to test this out in combat, this upgrade is only meant as insurance after all.

Overall, the wing has been pretty active and we've accomplished quite a bit despite the mad things we tend to do. Lets just hope we get less of that from now on.
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