Logbook entry

Ship Commander's Log 33040417

17 Apr 2018Krittercon
Well, I knew a mistake was gonna end up costing my ship at some point, although I didn't quite expect it to be in the way it did.

While the rest of the wing are out doing their own stuff, I decided to respond to the call for evac units at HIP 9599 where one of the stations was attacked by Thargoids. I set off in the Dollmaker with as much cabin space as I can and arrived with just enough fuel to rescue about 140 refugees out of the station and brough them to the nearby rescue ship. A station on fire was quite a sight to behold, not in the good way of course. I know the firepower of these stations, and I would, in a moment, realize how powerful they are, so to see them in such a shape is just chilling.

On my way out of the station, I noticed a lot of escape pods floating within the station, and I was unable to do anything to help as I was not equipped. At the rescue ship, I request a collection limpet controller to be equipped on my ship. This should allow me to rescue these people in their pods as well as picking up people from the station docks itself. I had the cargo space after all. With a stock of limpets, I set off again to the station.

Knowing the state of the station and the pods, the moment I entered the station, I activated the limpets. However, due to the haste of the limpet installation, I had neglected to reprogram the activation trigger, and as a result, my secondary cannons were activated as a result. That did not end well. Within a second, four overcharged armor piercing shells flew across the interior of the station and hit the control tower on the other end. For reasons I don't know why, the self defense systems were still active and immediately my ship was lit up with a magnitude of lasers from the station walls. One would question why on earth the system would be still active in such a state, let along firing at a rescue ship. Dollmaker held up well though, but the state of the station means that I could not back out of the station fast enough, and the lack of controls from the control tower meant they couldn't turn it off fast enough. The Dollmaker of Bucuresti met an unfortunate end.

I got out, but was rather angry with the station managers that decided to haul me off the nearest penal ship. Long story short, I had a very long argument with the ship captain over what happened, and eventually they allowed me to leave, somehow still convinced that I fired those shells on purpose. It almost got violent to get them to replace my ship with all the correct modifications, the nerve they had to try and tell me they can't do that. In the end, they managed to replicate everything the engineers did to my ship, begrudgely. Still had to pay the insurance though, but atleast I understand the insurance company's case in that that's how they make their profit. Hey, they bailed me out in the past before, I can't blame those guys.

I'll be heading back to the station to continue helping with the evacuation. I'll just make sure to wire the limpet launch controls correctly this time.
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