Logbook entry

Ship Commander's Log 33040423

23 Apr 2018Krittercon
My wingmates have already started calling me insane. "Why do you need two Imperial Cutters?!" they asked. Well, I see their point, it does look like a ridiculous way to flaunt wealth.

But the truth is, it's mostly because I have a nagging suspicion the station workers has been stealing and replacing my stuff. The Dollmaker of Bucarestis, now named Hourai Doll to match her new sister ship, has a large SRV hanger and fighter hanger installed, and every time I refit her for transport missions, the hangers would need to be removed to make room for cargo racks. Inside these hangers are my SRVs and fighters, both with customizations to make them easier to distinguish while on mission. However, every time I complete my transport missions and refit my hangers onto the ship, I noticed these customizations has been scrubbed off, and the vehicles reverted to their default state. It's like while I was away, they've scrubbed it of their markings and are loaning them out to people.

The purchase of my new ship, Shanghai Doll, means that I now have a dedicated ship for cargo hauling, and therefore I no longer need to switch out the interior modules and have to have things stored away on the stations. I admit, I could've gotten a much cheaper Type-9 instead, but living aboard Hourai Doll has spoiled me, its captain's quarters are ridiculously luxurious. I was able to save on a lot of my expenses be re-using a lot of old modules I had left over. Shanghai Doll is now equipped with a lot of modules that I had previously experimented on Hourai Doll. They're not completely suited for the job, but it's better than anything stock, and it does allow Shanghai Doll to defend herself better.

Overall, I don't regret my purchase. With how common it is for my home system to get into an outbreak, I can forsee Shanghai doing a lot of relief missions in the future.
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︎2 Shiny!
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