Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33040427

28 Apr 2018Krittercon
For once it feels like our operations have calmed down a bit. Commander Suts has returned, but Commanders Karuiko and Avi has ventured out on their exploration expeditions. Last transmissions have indicated they have recently reached Colonia. As result, it's been rather quiet around here.

Our fleet has been expanding as Commanders Nuclearblt and Suts have decided to purchase Anacondas, finally admitting themselves into the big ships club. They've been enjoying themselves so far using their new ships for crime suppression. I've added a dedicated Imperial Cutter for heavy lifting missions myself, and out old admiral, Commander Lazarus, has fancied himself a Type-9.

Other than some among us going out and gaining some ranks with the Federation as a sign of coorperation, nothing else has been happening so far. The crew really seems to want to open a bakery here at Suzuki Terminal, although it looks like opening any sort of proper business has more paperwork to go through than starting a colony.
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