Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33040630

30 Jul 2018Krittercon
Well, it's been two months worth of nothing notable.

The wing has settled in pretty well with most of us sitting on a good amount of credits to live on for quite a while. The result is a bunch of us taking time off flights and going on long vacation trips. The bakery we opened at Suzuki Terminal is going fine. Business is slow, but it's a fun hobby to go by. The team does express a desire to upgrade to a full on maid and butler cafe though. Surprising actually, considering such cafes are products of a long past era, but then again, half of us are dinosaurs frozen through time ourselves. The remaining part of the team only read about it in history articles and seems fascinated by the costumes required for them; granted for something of such status in the past the uniforms, as it progressed through that era, looks way better that the ones given to Imperial slaves around here. Well, time to do some plannings to renovate the bakery I guess. We don't mind operating at a loss either but its hard to tell how this would end up.

On the more fleet side of things, some of the group has gotten access to some Guardian tech. Boosting Hourai and Shanghai's jump ranges by 10ly sure makes trading a lot easier and faster. It also allows me to refit Miia a bit so that she can reach 50ly+, allowing her to completely replace Maika in the long range exploration role. Maika's sticking around though; she has served me well and there are still places where she outperforms the refitted Miia, namely in cases were I have to land in really tight spots.

The access to Guardian tech has rekindled the desire to venture into the dark as well. Several have expressed the want for a plan for a group flight to Beagle Point. Well, that's something to schedule out, after we get everyone's measurements for their maid and butler uniforms.
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︎3 Shiny!
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