Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33040928

29 Sep 2018Krittercon
So lets see, what's been happening so far? Business has been rather quiet lately since Littrow City is no longer a popular tourist destination. Our commanders have been taking on odd tasks here and there to add something to the time slots that got freed up from less passenger flights. The maid cafe is running okay, although the lowered traffic has meant some of us is getting relatively more flight time as well. I've decided to rename almost all of my ships; give them something fresh and less of something that links back to the far past.

Birb, as we have come to call CMDR WanderingAviator, has recently taken an interest in combat. With her available credits both me and CMDR Aion suggested she get a Courier. She got one, and immediately shown signs of bloodthirst. The rest of us are wondering if we had awakened an ancient evil of some sort; we do know she tends to be a little wacky, claiming to jump between universes taking different forms, one of which could be best described as ninjas in space, calling herself an esteemed Tenno. I'm beginning to give creedance to that claim, considering how she can outright dissappear from time to time, no traces on the station and no flight logs filed.

Our old Admiral Lazarus seems to have gone a bit nutty and has taken his un-engineered Corvette on a trip to Colonia. Last reports from him indicated he had found a previously undiscovered earth-like planet. Props to him to finding it, and lets hope his long trip won't bring space madness to him... Although I guess with some of our ships we can probably catch up to him as needed, as both CMDR DariruKuro and I now have exploration fitted Anaconda "motherships".

Speaking of CMDR DariruKuro, his trip on the Gnosis along with CMDR Karuiko got cut short... By a lot... Funnily enough he had an AX built explorer and got out of that mess with a few more Thargoid kills under his belt, while CMDR Karu amanaged to make a run for it once the heat around the Gnosis died out. I'm feeling lucky I didn't end up on that trip; my exploration fitted Anaconda would not have faired well.

I've been running a lot of cargo contracts lately. They do pay decently and quite often, and one some of them I even place the names of my comrades down as well for a slice of the cake. Got myself a new Type-9 to help on contracts that are short range and carry a bit more than Yoshiko can handle. I've also refitted some of my Federal ships for better performances while flying in Federal space (they don't seem to like seeing Imperial Cutters near the Sol system). The missions have resulted in me fighting a bunch of hitmen going after my cargo contracts; some of them flying Type-10s. The characteristics of these ships I'm beginning to find intersted and it has resulted in my re-adjusting the weapon fittings of my ships. I might get myself one of these beef cakes to test out in the future, once I get enough funding that is.
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