Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33050929

25 Sep 2019Krittercon
Well, that was a long gap between logs.

For the longest time, things has been business as usual. Up until recently, the crew has been rather content with the riches we have gathered during our hay days and has been keeping up with running the maid cafe at Suzuki Terminal... Well, most of us at least. Once a while we would still accept some high paying missions, and go out of our way to help some up and coming pilots that we would come across from listening to random chatter on the comms, but that was mostly it.

Recently, with the announcement of civilian fleet carriers that we could purchase without having to sign up our lives to large corporations, activities have been picking up again. I, CMDR DariruKuro and CMDR Lazarus Snow have been dipping our toes in the mining rush. I don't get the appeal of the void opals that everyone seems so sought after. Sure, they're so dark that no light reflects off them, but that only makes them a nice novelty item rather than something eye catching. If anything, any time I see someone with it I begin to wonder if I need new glasses since it was hard to tell what exactly it is. The profit is definitely there tho, and hopefully we should be able to afford a carrier ship or two by the time their first production batch is complete.

We have two new additions to the squadron, CMDRs Ruby and BecauseIamGray. Both of them have already begun sitting into their niches and us vets have been brought back to the feels of our hay days with the assistance we’re providing to them. CMDR Gray has gotten into the mining line of work while CMDR Ruby is still exploring her career choices. Old admiral Lazarus has been pretty enthusiastic with being a mentor, and I don’t blame him. I took this opportunity to bring both Ruby and Lazarus out for some tech scavenging trips into Guardian space, figuring both of them would benefit well from getting access to Guardian FSD Boosters. CMDR Dari also took the opportunity to go out and get techs for Guardian fighters as well, tho judging by his comm chatter, he didn’t exactly have the best time; continually yelling about swarms of bees.

With the FSD Booster out of the way, we figured introducing CMDR Ruby to Farseer would be nice. Old hag, still being her usual self, demanded her trust be earned with a unit of meta-alloy. We took a trip out to the Witch Head sector, testing out our FSD Booster equipped ships as well, found a barnacle site, and got our alloy. Old admiral might be missing his Corvette too much and it seems to have destabilized his brain a bit as after I jokingly mentioned about that story some other CMDRs have sent their SRVs into orbit that he insisted we try to do it as well. We found a small moon, and promptly did just that. Balancing an SRV on Maki, my exploration Anaconda, we managed to get the thing to orbit… With Lazarus still in it…

Anyhow, with current progress, we should be able to afford at least one fleet carrier. First mission we have lined off for it would be to go to Colonia, and pick up Lazarus’ Corvette, the Ressurection… assuming we can get the old admiral out of orbit in his SRV…
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︎3 Shiny!
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