Logbook entry

Ship Commander's Log 33051205

05 Dec 2019Krittercon
Well that was an interest past month.

The discovery of the Galconda sent a wave of excitement across the bubble. Considering for the past bunch of years civilization have only been finding lifeless hulks of other generation ships, this is not a suprise at all. I can only imagine what those people have been through. Though some may say I'm as old as that generation ship myself I would like to personally remind everyone that I was frozen in ice for the entirity of that time. My birth date to current date might be over one thousand, but I'm still below twenty five actual, thank you.

Anyway, with the call to help, the response was as expected, and quite enthusiastic. Sadly I was the only person in Tengu capable of responding at the time. I did do my part tho, transfering mostly titanium back and forth. The race between the Empire and the Federation was an interesting one, and one which has me scratching my head a lot wondering if I'm on the right side of history. I'm an Imperial citizen, but that's not exactly why I chose to support the Empire's effort in this race, I just really desliked the tone of the Federation's proposal. I do agree that housing them on a station would preverse that unique culture, but I really find the Empire's offer for self sustaining agriculture to be much more convincing. How can you remain autonomous if you can't even maintain your own food supply? The way I see it, the Federation's proposal would require the people aboard that ship to be rather reliant on trade, which would cause too much outside inteference. Sure, outside trade is always needed, but how can you say you're trying to preserve their culture if you're blatantly opening them up to so much contact requirement? Whatever the case may be, I was definately in the minority, for the Federation managed to deliver that station of theirs in record time. Well, props to them, the people of the Galconda still receives a better home than the aging ship.

I'll be giving that station a visit myself to see what it's like, tho I think as a nice gesture, I'll be shipping in some rare goods from around the bubble with me. The Empire may have lost the race, but we would still like to retain good relations with the people. I'll be prepping Kanata for this mission as cargo capacity is not as important as jump range to gather all those goods, not to mention I wouldn't be able to dock at Hutton with Yoshiko. Pity actually. Oh well, off to Hutton I go. I should probably grab some holo-films to watch while enroute...
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