Logbook entry

Ship Commander's Log 33051205 - Supplemental

05 Dec 2019Krittercon
I must say, I'm rather impressed with the Federation's results.

When I first saw the new station on the navigation panel, I was about to throw a fit as it was showing up as a smaller station. "All those materials and they gave the Galconda people a small station?!" I yelled to myself during the supercruise in. That impression changed pretty quickly when I dropped in. Sure, it's not as big as a Coriolis station, but the installation is still pretty impressive, and fancy too. I do note a lack obvious agricultural domes tho, so I do wonder how they're keeping up with food supplies. Six garden domes with artificial gravity are in place, maybe they're growing food in there? I couldn't really tell from the outside but then again I wouldn't be able to tell current day farming technique from someone's hedgerow anyway.

The officers at the trading station were a pretty fun lot. My welcome gift from various parts of the bubble consisted of Arouca Conventual Sweets, CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee, Fujin Tea, Jaroua Rice, Kongga Ale, Witchhaul Kobe Beef, Centauri Mega Gin, and of course, Hutton Mugs! While the Galconda representitives were pretty interested in the goods ferried to their new home, me and the Federation officers can't help but let out some laughs as they tried to fathom the worth of the Hutton Mugs. Pointing out that the wear on my ship was mostly from getting those mugs just made them more intrigued. I can only imagine what their faces were like when ol' admiral Lazarus arrived after me with even more mugs. Sad they were out of their Apa Vietii tho, I was hoping to bring some back to Imperial space.
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