Logbook entry

Wing Commander's Log 33060620

20 Jun 2020Krittercon
Now, by all protocols, this log is long overdue, but hey, things were stupidly busy.

First up, everyone's been taking it chill. The cafe in Suzuki terminal is operating well, so no one was in much rush for anything so we've pretty much settled down. The occasional theme changes keeps the cafe fresh. I, on the other hand, had been taking mining contracts every once a while, saving up credits ever since Brewer announced their new line of fleet carriers.

The commissioning of the TSS Kaga, Tengu Squadron's Victory Class Fleet Carrier, was done last week. Purchasing this thing was quite a challenge, there were queues of CMDRs of all various walks of life applying to purchase on the day Brewer announced that is was ready to sell the carriers. The lines were crazy enough that a lot of us, me included, were actually denied purchase since they were just unable to meet demands. I now know that Brewer's code for denying purchases is "Black Adder". Came back a few days later, queued again, got approved, and got our carrier. The TSS Kaga is registered under my name, tho it's fully intended to be used as our company ship. Kaga was quickly brought to another system, fitted out with everything we need, and moved to Lumastya. Our bridge officer was promptly fired because he kept stealing coffee from the galley.

With our new carrier, CMDR Karuiko decided she really wanted to visit the Lemon Slice Nebula. In the interest of getting some first hand experience, we worked together to ready Kaga for a test journey. We made some calculations, figured out how much fuel we need, bought them and transported them onto the ship, and set out of the course we plotted. I will say tho, having to pay out of pocket for those fuel on top of what was already paid for the carrier it self was... A bit painful. It wasn't really that interesting in hindsight, someone had already been there after all and the nebula itself was a bit dissappointing. We got a good view of galaxy since we were pretty high above the galactic plane tho, so that's a plus. The experience of commanding Kaga was well worth the trip at least, and all of this was at the cost of accidentally stranding CMDR Nuclearblt for a bunch of hours. Nuclear's fine, a bit pissed, but fine.

After getting back, we figured that we would be needing to keep our pockets lined to operate Kaga, so we headed out again with our mining ships, now with the Kaga as support. This also help aquaint the group with some new mining techniques and gave us a few pointers on fine tuning their mining setups. The trip was a huge success. The credits we made over the week should support Kaga's operations for a very long time, and CMDR Lazarus was made fully aware of the dangers of shieldless mining. I never thought I would hear the day where chunks of flying diamonds would get kill credit on a Type-9. The old admiral's fine, a bit shaken, possibly some PTSD, but ultimately healthy.

Our next destination would be Colonia, judging by everyone's voting. After this log is finished, I will begin the process of handing over our cafe to one of our employees. It's been a fun run, but we're all moving aboard the Kaga now, and as such would not be able to oversee the cafe as well as we want to. Nadeko should be pretty happy about it; she's been a superb head maid, and while none of our patrons knows it, she's about to be engaged. Having ownership of the cafe should give her a nice stable source of income, and I trust her to manage everything else going on. As for us, who knows? We might begin a new business aboard the Kaga; might be interesting having a mobile cafe. After everyone else has finished offloading their mined ores, we will begin preps and planning for our journey to Colonia.
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