Logbook entry

Civil War support change.

10 May 2018Murderbot_84
After 32 hours if fighting for Colonia Refinery Operations myself and my wingman were cheated out of our earnings by the system representative Clive Lym. I was to say the least a little.... frustrated.

I invited Me Lym aboard ABSOLUTION to finalise our "support program"  and Lym after a brief discussion of where our partial earnings were started stuttering and looking very uncomfortable. It turns out my 10 million credits were given to The Baddest Company - the very system we fought against.

Mr Lym departed the ABSOLUTION through the cargo bay in deep space.

Anyway that matter resolved we (myself and CMDR Wulfen Slyte) headed to Kojeara after being contacted by Representarive Senetor Jamerson of the Junkyard Dogs who heard of our hard fought win over The Baddest Company. He informed me that the Tenjin Reclamation Inc was making aggressive moves to take control over Tolagarf's Junkyard, civilians have been slaughtered and freighters eliminated to prevent business coming through the station.

This is not the progress we want for the Colonia Region and if we are to expand then this must stop. Basing ourselves just outside a combat zone we have begun pushing back the oppressors.

I can only hope we are successful.

Until next time.

Commander Harlon Nayl 101
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