Logbook entry

New Horizons

12 May 2018Murderbot_84
Logbook entry》

With the Civil War concluded and the Tenjin Reclamation Inc (TRI) in full retreat, the Junkyard Dogs were well on their way to having substantial control over the Kojeara System along side with the Colonia Council. This being finalised and payments recieved, it was time to take our leave. Before departing  I managed to squeeze some useful information out of the last TRI Commander, a CMDR Ramsey. We left him in the capable hands of our colleagues at the Junkyard Dogs HQ, they will not be kind.

We made contact with a reliable source within the Colonia network and confirmed the  information we extracted allowing us to establish contact with the Mobius Colonial Republic Navy (MCRN). They are looking for Commander's to expand on the Colonia data base which CMDR Slyte and I are more than qualified to achieve -hopefully we will come across some law-breakers along the way and earn a bit of extra coin too.

I am now on my way to the Alberta system having outfitted my trusty ASP Explorer-The Endurance- with the modules I believe necessary to fulfill our plans.

As we all know plans can change and I love a bit of the unknown popping up every now and then. It keeps things.... interesting.

God speed CMDRs.

Harlon Nayl out.
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