Logbook entry

Mobius Colonial Republic Navy

14 May 2018Murderbot_84
+++Logbook entry+++

Arriving in Alberta and discovering precisely zip we whipped out our starcharts and started triangulating distances... there we had it. Mobia. A seemingly inconsequential system with nothing but a squashed potato at it’s doorway and a few other planets to note. Off we set with naught  but our loins to guide us.

Exiting FSD you can imagine my suprise at receiving an immediate hail for direct voice comms. Having scanned the Nav zone quickly I could see only the cobra MKlll making the request, so not much to be concerned about even with my stripped back ASP Explorer. I connected the comms:

+++ Who's the commanding officer of your Cargo carrier!+++ A gruff and rather commanding voice greeted me.

+++This is COMMANDER Harlon Nayl, with whom do I have the honor of sharing this Nav Zone with+++

The same voice replied

+++Power down all weapons and shields immediately or be fired upon!+++

Sighing in frustration I punched the comms button.

+++ Just hold on a damn second, who the hell are you and what's this about... and think before answering Commander, I presume that is what you are? You would be mistaken to believe that this is an every day Cargo Carrier+++

+++This is Leutenant Commander Oreus of the Mobius Colonial Republic Navy Fleet  and you are in our Jurisdiction "Commander" now drop your shield, power down your weapons .... Immediately+++

With that  I reached for the controls to deploy weapons noticing a build in energy on the short eange scanner.

With a bright flash, 4 Pythons, 3 Fer de lance and  2 Anaconda' s ripped into the Nav Zone clearly marked with Military insignia. Seeing that I was targeted by every weapon available I withdrew my hands from the flight sticks. I'm glad I wasn't standing in front of Oreus, I can only imagine the smug look on he's face.

Feeling my rage simmering I hit the comms button:

+++very well we submit+++

As the comms cut off CMDR Wulfen woke up from he's slumber and looked out off the port view wiping a hand over his face.

"Who's this prick and why'd he wake me up!"

I pointed at the scanners, Wulfen chuckled shaking his head and in a mock tone said "we'll take the ASP we'll be fine"

Until next time CMDRs

+++CMDR Nayl signing off Log+++
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