Logbook entry

Mobius Colonial Republic Navy continued

26 May 2018Murderbot_84
+++Logbook entry+++

Commander Oreus fitted the image in my head. After being escorted to the Mobius HQ he was the first person we met in the holding cells. After our brief run in at the nav beacon we layed everything out on the table and explained why we were in their territory. In turn Commander Slyte and myself were also enlightened as to the current state of the system and surrounding regions, also explaining the open hostilities towards newcomers.

It turns out we were in a position to help. Granted a meeting with the high ranking commander +++name deleted+++ We attended the war in Pytheas and assisted as instructed to level the playing field once again. We returned to Mobius and performed some missions however it became blindingly clear that until we had made connections with the suitable engineers within the bubble we would be of little help given our current ships and tech.

We made haste for the bubble... back to the old stomping ground. Amazingly within 24hrs of eye melting FSD frying travel we arrived back in humanities hub to make base in LHS 20 much to Ms Winters distaste. I did make contact and given Commander Slyte's and my own goals to further  the expansion of Colonia we went our separate ways on good terms (and a few favours to complete). Now backing Li Yong-Rui we were on our way to gaining access to required engineers.

With information concerning Order of Mobius in the bubble we will assist where we can. The units goals fall in line with our own and we will assist where possible.

On a separate note all together, while drinking in a bar I met a strange man blabbering on about a planet called Raxxla. Not much to go on but I will investigate this further... seems interesting.

Until next time commanders  -  Nayl out.
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