Logbook entry

The Rift

25 Jun 2018Murderbot_84
+++Logbook Entry #7+++

After progressing through the engineers I finally met Professor Palin.  An interesting fellow and more than happy to have a chin wag provided with he right materials, and there I had been told he's a miserable Space goat. While applying some co-ordinate corrections to my flight plan I saw a female enter the hanger rushing towards Palin with data slate. Palin gave his full attention and I activated the external Vox out of curiosity. I heard the word Raxxla again....the second time now in the space of a month but this time not from a drunk in a bar.

Palin glanced at me then ushered the woman into an office staring intently at the slate. When Palin pays attention so should others. This is something I wanted in on, activating my mini-drone, I guided it out of my hanger and into the  vents near the top of the wall. Reaching the vent into the room I increased the sensitivity and listened in....

I heard Palin speaking.

"Are you certain of this information? The rift has been searched by explorers for nearly 2 years straight now and apart from the Dynasty Expedition nothing else of any note was found out there. It's a tomb filled with corpses."

Woman "If we don't at least check these coordinates then how will we know? Listen I know it's a long shot but this needs to be investigated and fast. Do you have someone reliable to go and check it out?"

I heard the door open and busied myself with the co-ordinates again "Harlon! Come out here, I want you to meet someone"

"Sure" I climbed out of Rocinante' and went over "Hi there" I say approaching them. The woman looked confused.

"Nice to meet you too Ms?" I say extending my hand in greeting...

She ignores me which I counted on and looked at Palin "Seriously? What about Nicoli or Pretriski? surely you have someone we both know and trust!?"

Palin looks at her " Mr Nayl here comes highly recommended from most of our engineer contacts, especially Farseer, and has proven himself most helpful with my research. He is more than capable and is far more experienced than the other 2 given what I have heard. He is my choice.... if he excepts?" Palin looked at me. At this stage I was going whether Palin selected me or not my mini-drone was downloading the slate details as we wee speaking. What better way to work than in co-operation rather than conflict.

Looking at the woman I say "Run me through the details of what it is I am excepting and I will decide from there, and maybe we can be properly introduced?"

The woman turned and walked away.

Palin sighed "She's lovely when you get to know her"

"I'm sure" I reply.
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