Cmdr Roman Sharpe
Bounty hunter / Privateer
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The Fatherhood
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry


16 May 2021Roman Sharpe
It's been an intense 6 months aboard the Atlas.

The Atlas has been based in the Pleiades region, mostly in Celaeno and its orbital station, 'Artemis Lodge'. We have called the area home for the past half a year and have spent our time helping out where we can and building our skills. Aside from clearing out Thargoid scouts and Interceptors, we have also been out on patrol, hunting down pirates and those that would look to use the threat of the Thargoids as an opportunity, at the expense of others. We have helped maintain the space lanes, intercepting and eliminating Thargoid scouts when we encounter them, enabling ships to feel a little more at ease when travelling. There have also been opportunities to provide aid to pilots who have found themselves stranded after running out of fuel, often in their desperation to be on their way to somewhere safer. On one such mission the crew of the 'Last Herald' came across a Type 7 crammed with refuges, all looking for a new and safer home. They had run out of fuel and life support was dangerously low. They would not have made it out alive had we not found them. We all felt that one. Its great to be the hero of the hour but, more often than not, that comes as a result of someone else's desperation.

After such a successful but intense period a bit of downtime was in order, so we jumped back to the bubble for a bit of R&R. We kept a Skeleton crew on board the Atlas but the majority of people caught up with family and loved ones or simply used the time to relax and get away from the day to day of being on duty. For many It would also be a time to reflect on their new lives and make a little sense of the last 6 months.

For me, I caught up briefly with Mia and Jackson as well as some old friends who put me on to a nice little mining run, a rich platinum hotspot not too far out from the bubble. I took the 'Fortune Faded', along with Olivia Swartz, a pilot from Jamison Memorial looking for 'the next thing' and headed out to loose myself in the familiar joy of asteroid mining. A week later it was time to head back, refreshed and ready to see the crew and take the Atlas back out again.

As soon as I hit the bubble the chatter was everywhere....

The Thargoids had launched an all out attack.
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︎3 Shiny!
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