Cmdr Krash.Megiddo
Special agent / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
FNS Sleeping Giant
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TITHMI
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry


21 Oct 2018Krash.Megiddo
Cytoscramblers (Archon Delaine) are brutal if you like to get in close with a fast pitching ship and have a plethora of C1 hardpoints. Paired with a weapon that applies the Corrosive effect they become, let's say, a not insignificant source of damage there. Can also be modded to cause your opponent to suffer random malfunctions for extra giggles.

Enforcer Cannons
(Pranav Antal) are also pretty great, essentially turning what would be a C1 multicannon into a C2.

Packhounds (Li Yong-Rui) allow for the relatively easy annihilation of surface modules (and bleeding of MRP strength), and can apply the Drag Munitions effect to limit the targets speed to the equivalent of 0 pips in engines.

Pacifier Frag cannons (Hudson) are accurate shotguns, and even with the penalty to max damage, the much tighter cone of fire leads to far higher practical damage done in more instances.

Advanced Plasma Accelerators (Patreus) do less damage per shot than their normal counterparts in exchange for a higher RoF coupled with lower drain and heat generated per shot leading to an altogether more forgiving weapon.

Imperial Hammers (Arissa Duval) are burst fire railguns. They need a steady hand to really get the most out of (in general they are the inverse of APA), but the pay off is burst fire railguns.

Containment Missiles (Grom) are handy for those days when you want a dumbfire launcher that both knocks out FSD's and does something else, or just knocks them out even longer. These show up in outfitting as "2B Rocket Propelled FSD Disruptor"

Essentially, when it comes to most of the PowerPlay weapons, look at your planned build/ship of choice and ask yourself what might you want to shore up and if maybe there's a weapon that would work to those ends.
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