Cmdr Krash.Megiddo
Special agent / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
FNS Sleeping Giant
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TITHMI
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

My First Mapping Credit

14 Dec 2018Krash.Megiddo
I was on my way back to base from the CG and one of the system hops had unmapped planets.

Deploy FSS. Found a ringed icy world without a mapped credit, woot! Select and travel to this world.

When I get close enough, the "surface scanner" activates. Clicking that button (first fire group) puts me in probe mode for the first time. I had to bind my mouse in controls to move the camera. The toggle to look at the backside does not affect the probes, its just a look behind the planet. Moved mouse around and tried to cover the surface with "mapping" hits. Exit mode, fly around to other side of planet (still in SC) and repeat the process until the progress meter in lower left tells me 100% mapped. Near the end of this, I realize the probes can be aimed near the horizon of the planet and fall beyond to the other side for more efficient coverage next time. My first time, spent about 30 probes. I'll do better next time.

Arrived at base, sold data, no "New Mapped" notification as I was expecting. Checked system in Galmap, and there's my name under "First Mapped By Krash Megiddo"
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