Logbook entry

06DEC3301; Stuck in Transistor; Log Entry 002

07 Dec 2015Ysenm
Gotta love the lengths pirates will go through to get their hands on cargo. We've all been subject to faulty navigation beacons that led us into the clutches of pirate scum, but my story today differs; instead I've a tale of how the carelessness of these scum led to my misfortune.

Apparently, one of these such navigational beacons was left behind and began drifting into the nearest star. Unfortunately, my ship nearly smacked the same star when my ship fell out of my latest jump. Immediately things began to overheat. I barely made it out without my skin melting to the inside of my flight suit, but my ship wasn't so fortunate. When I finally jumped out on an escape vector, the stress and the fact that everything was already overheated fried the power distributor and just about every circuit in the ship. Luckily by this time, I'd cleared the gravitational pull of the star and with the help of an emergency beacon, was towed to the nearest repair facility.

Unfortunately, I wasn't the only victim of this travesty; I'm sure the station here is pleased to have so many ships to repair. Strangely enough, this station was close to bankruptcy before all this happened and now it would seem they have just enough capital to keep it going another year or so. If I had my guess, I'd say they paid off these pirates to leave the beacon where they did. The local security service is investigating, but I doubt they'll find anything, or they'll be paid off too.

Long story short, my ship is out and I'm stuck here in Guuguyni for at least two weeks while my ship undergoes a major overhaul. Blasted pirate scum.
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