Acropolis|Science Division|Personal Log|03 April 3304
03 Apr 2018Gale Harte
|CMDR Personal Log|Gale Harte
|Aegis Research
|03 April 3304
...Begin Transmission...
The Aegis associate arrived today. He was supposed to arrive two days ago, but he decided to wait once hearing about our situation. One of the independent pilots visiting from Glazkov Terminal fell terribly ill and had to be quarantined in sickbay. When the Thargoids attacked, waves and waves of rescue ships were traveling to the starport, and leaving for the Rescue Megaship. The activity has settled down and repairs have been underway, but all the refugee traffic has led to an outbreak in one of the system's major factions.
Fortunately, no one on the Acropolis has caught whatever is going around. Unfortunately, the Aegis associate has assumed control over our entire operation despite his delay. Instead of getting the security clearance as promised, we've spent most of the day filling out non disclosure forms.
It just doesn't make any sense. Many of the forms I signed were identical to the ones I was given when I was first hired by Aegis; Typical confidentiality agreements and privacy policies. I'm not sure if there were management changes unbeknownst to us, but I wouldn't be surprised. As far as working with the bio-weapons go, we're still in the dark. I'm starting to speculate whether or not the Acropolis even has such weapons.
Everyone in our team has submitted his or her paperwork, so now we're all just sitting here doing sweet F.A. until we get confirmation. You know, for an organization that promotes the use of anti-xeno weapons to an almost fanatical degree, they sure make it near impossible for any of us to use anti-xeno weapons.
Perhaps it's because we lab rats just tinker with them for research, instead of using them for war.
War sells better than research....
...End of Transmission...