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Contact on Wredguia SX-L C7-6 1

21 Dec 2015Cetegus Morr
My new search pattern quickly leads me to the Wredguia SX-L C7-6 System where I find some High Metal worlds.

I decide to set down on the first planet, pick an interesting crater with a mountain in it's centre at which's base there is another crater and start searching for metals.

After a while, half circumpassing the mountain, I pick up faint sensor readings of a different source and follow. I narrow it down to a crashed Federal probe and retrieve it's data. A bit further I find a wrecked SRV.

Decide to check out the surrounding topography a bit closer and fly in a low level search pattern. I get lucky in a crater several kilometers away where in close proximity of a few kilometres each I find first an Imperial Probe, then another wrecked SRV and then another probe - this time from the Alliance.

Something must have or is going on on this planet ...
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